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Baile de los Cossiers de Algaida

The Cossiers of Mallorca

There are six Cossiers who, during the dance, wrap the lady in a Quadrat (Square), as a representation of protection, while the demon provokes the public.

Sobrasada mallorquina en Mercados de Mallorca

Markets of Pla de Mallorca

The markets of Mallorca are one of the biggest attractions for those who visit our villages, as they are able to acquire traditional agricultural products.

How is extra virgin olive oil made

How is extra virgin olive oil made

Do you know which are the production processes to obtain quality liquid gold? Let us show how is extra virgin olive oil made to get a high-quality product.

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Treurer Circle

If you’re part of our circle of friends you will have lots of benefits.
You can be part of it from the first purchase.


Being a member of the Treurer Club will give you access to the exclusive sale of "novell oil" during the month of November.

Are you planning to travel to Mallorca? We would like to meet you! Come visit us and make the complete tour around our farm at no cost (free admission for 2 adults, prior booking required).

Membership requirements

You can belong to our circle, by meeting two simple conditions:

Have purchased at least two boxes of product in the last 12 months.

Be registered in our newsletter.