
Cooking recipes

Mediterranean cuisine based on extra virgin olive oil

To enjoy cooking, three things are essential: high-quality ingredients, learning how to combine them correctly and which is their cooking process secret.

So, for you to enjoy every moment in your kitchen we’ve made a selection of the best recipes where olive oil is a key ingredient. Get inspiration and excel in the cooking process!

Recipe of clams in marinara style

Recipe of clams in marinara style

Discover how to prepare delicious clams “a la marinera” with this authentic and easy step-by-step recipe, including detailed preparation times!

Mushroom risotto with olive oil

Mushroom risotto with olive oil

El risotto de setas al aceite de oliva es un plato rico y cremoso que atrapa los sabores profundos y terrosos de las setas, complementados por la riqueza y suavidad del aceite de oliva virgen extra.

Lemon sponge cake with olive oil

Recipe of sponge cake with olive oil

Discover how to prepare an exquisite lemon sponge cake with a touch of extra virgin olive oil, a combination that will delight your palate with its fresh and aromatic flavor.

Receta de vinagreta de limón e hierbas

Vinaigrette Recipes (I)

A basic vinaigrette usually combines oil, acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice), salt and pepper, but the possibilities for customizing and enriching its flavor are virtually endless.

Trampó dish, Mallorcan salad

Recipe of Mallorcan trampó salad

Trampó salad is one of the most popular salads in Mallorca and the Balearic Islands. It is simple but delicious, and is a perfect accompaniment to any main dish.

La ensaimada mallorquina, un placer gastronómico

The Mallorcan ensaimada

The Mallorcan ensaimada is one of the best known and most representative sweets of the island of Mallorca. Plain, angel hair, custard, cream, figs or slices, there is an ensaimada for every time of the year.

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