Gourmet recipe for chocolate sponge cake with avocado cream and spiced fruits

Hello everyone, today we are going to make a special dessert with chocolate and almonds from Mallorca and, of course, Treurer Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The almond we will use is from the brand Ametlla Més, which works with high quality almonds and unique flavors. We will prepare a chocolate sponge cake with almonds and accompany it with a delicious avocado cream and fresh fruits, such as figs and oranges.


  • 200 grams of 72% cocoa dark chocolate
  • 100 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Treurer
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 grams of flour
  • 90 grams of sugar
  • 6 grams of yeast
  • 100 grams of chopped
  • Majorcan almonds with orange peel, coconut and cinnamon
  • Grease to grease the mold
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 80 ml condensed milk
  • Fresh fruit (figs and oranges)
  • Cinnamon and mint for decoration


  • Thermomix
  • Biscuit mold
  • Oven
  • Túrmix
Receta gourmet de bizcocho de chocolate con crema de aguacate y frutas con especias


  • Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave and add 100 ml of Treurer Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Mix until obtaining a silky and homogeneous texture.
  • Put the chocolate in the Thermomix together with 2 whole eggs and 125 grams of flour. Mix at medium power for 2-3 minutes.
    Add 90 grams of sugar and 6 grams of yeast to the mixture and continue mixing for 2 more minutes.
    Add the chopped Majorcan almonds with orange peel, coconut and cinnamon and mix for an additional 2 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a greased baking pan and bake for 80 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • While the cake is in the oven, prepare the avocado cream. Peel and cut 2 ripe avocados and mix them with 80 ml of condensed milk and a drizzle of Treurer Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the blender until a thick texture is obtained.
    Once the sponge cake is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool.
  • Break the sponge cake into irregular pieces and serve them on a plate together with the avocado cream.
    Cut the oranges and figs into pieces and place them on top of the sponge cake and avocado cream.


The plating of this dessert is quite simple but visually very attractive. To begin, place a generous spoonful of avocado cream in the center of the plate. Next, we place the pieces of chocolate and almond sponge cake irregularly around the cream, creating a sort of mountain in the center of the plate.

To give it a fresh and colorful touch, add the orange segments and fig pieces in the gaps between the pieces of sponge cake. Finally, sprinkle a little ground cinnamon over the whole and add some fresh mint leaves to give it a touch of color.

The result is a very visually appealing dessert, combining textures and flavors to create a very satisfying dining experience.

Receta de bizcocho

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