What to do in Mallorca? The 5 most authentic plans.

Mallorca is an idyllic island in which to make multiple plans. Much is said about our beaches, towns and, of course, our beloved Serra de Tramuntana and its many trails. You probably already have a list of what to see in Mallorca and what to do on the island. But are you sure you are making the most out of your time? We want to propose 5 authentic plans that will delight you and will allow you to see our wonderful island with different eyes.

What are the most authentic plans to make in Mallorca?

  1. Discover the Gothic quarter of Palma.
  2. Take a delicious olive oil tour.
  3. Go biking or hiking to a lighthouse.
  4. Navigate the Mallorcan coastline.
  5. Enjoy multiple sunsets.

1. Discover the Gothic Quarter of Palma.

There is no doubt if there is an activity that equally satisfies shopping lovers, Mallorcan gastronomy enthusiasts, those who enjoy art and history, or even those tourists who want to get away from the daily routine with a pleasant walk, that is to wander and discover the secrets of Palma’s Gothic Quarter.

The capital of Mallorca has an impressive medieval legacy. From the Sant Frascesc Convent and its spectacular cloister, passing through the Church of Santa Eulalia and its extraordinary gargoyles and continuing through the parish of Sant Jaume or the Church of Santa Margalida.

In Palma, we also find the Cathedral that rises towards the Parc de la Mar, and which is one of the most splendid monuments in the capital. Palma Cathedral is famous for its Gothic rose window, the largest of this style and a feast for the eyes. But in addition to its exceptional architecture, La Seu, as we also know it here, houses multiple works of art worthy of admiration: Gothic but also Renaissance, Baroque and Contemporary.

Palma Cathedral, one of the monuments to see in Mallorca
Palma Cathedral, one of the monuments to see in Mallorca

And while the Cathedral is the perfect example that encompasses the last eight centuries of Palma’s history, you will also have to visit the spectacular Royal Almudaina Palace or La Lonja, an old mercantile building that stands out for its sinuous columns and was the work of Guillem Sagrera, one of the most relevant architect-sculptors in Mallorca.

In addition to these monuments, the Gothic Quarter of Palma has impressive squares, old traditional courtyards and promenades such as Borne that stands out for its beauty and also has shops of all kinds, from luxury brands to the most commons. Other types of antique furniture stores and classic bookstores will delight lovers of these treasures.

In the area, there are also many bars and restaurants, as well as pastry shops and cafes that can satisfy the palate of the most demanding lovers of gourmet products and offer spectacular desserts such as the classic Mallorcan ensaimada. Besides, multiple gastronomic tours can be done in this area, such as the traditional tapas routes.

2. Take a delicious olive oil tour.

Continuing with the gastronomic theme, lovers of Mediterranean cuisine, who surely won’t miss the delights that Palma’s Gothic Quarter hides, can also discover the interior of the island in a more than original way while still find out the secrets of our cuisine. And that way is through an olive oil tour.

As producers of extra virgin olive oil, at Treurer we are aware of the importance of this ingredient for the gastronomy of the countries bathed by the Mediterranean. This oil isn’t just part of a centuries-old culinary tradition, but it’s also a source of health. More specifically, extra virgin olive oil is produced in Mallorca from olive trees of varieties such as Arbequina or Picual that arrived more than 500 years ago.

For this reason, oleotourism in Mallorca is consolidating itself as one of the most enriching activities on the island, especially because we can show not only a traditional production process but also the relevance of olive trees in the Mediterranean, explaining how important olive groves for the environment in a memorable walk are, in addition to teaching to distinguish a superior quality product for its incredible smell and taste.

3. Go biking or hiking to a lighthouse.

The different lighthouses of Mallorca are one of our reasons for pride and the hiking and cycling routes set up for the sportiest are another reason why multiple travellers visit us every year. The lighthouses of the Balearic Islands have not only worked to guide our coasts sailors but, in addition, they have been consolidated as a great tourist, historical and patrimonial attraction.

From the Porto Colom lighthouse, passing through Capdepera, Alcanada, the spectacular Formentor lighthouse, Capgros, Tramuntana or Cap Blanc ones, you will be able to discover the coastline of the island of Mallorca wonderfully and delight yourself in the coastal landscapes that will open out along the multiple routes. Of course, even for those more expert hikers and cyclists, we recommend consulting the difficulty level and the approximate duration of these routes, which you can consult here.

4. Navigate the Mallorcan coastline.

Another way to discover Mallorca’s coastline is from its waters. The island’s coast offers a multitude of nautical options for sea lovers. It’s possible to do activities such as kayak, canoeing, windsurfing and surfing for the more active people, or even underwater dives for the daring ones.

Sailing along the coast of Mallorca
Sailing along the coast of Mallorca

But if what you want is to enjoy a peaceful journey, there is nothing like taking a boat trip along the bays of Palma or Alcudia, or even maritime excursions with views of Sa Calobra, the spectacular islet of Sa Dragonera, as well as any of the wonderful coves that the island of Mallorca offers.

5. Enjoy multiple sunsets.

To end the day, what better plan there is other than witnessing a magical sunset? This list of the five most authentic plans to do in Mallorca could not end otherwise. Read on to find out from where to observe the most spectacular sunsets in Mallorca.

Formentor lighthouse after an excursion to the north of the island; the Nakar rooftop with views of the old town and the bay of Palma; the viewpoint of Sa Foradada in Deia; the beautiful beaches of Sa Calobra; Sant Elm with views of Sa Dragonera; Talaia de Albercutx, a defensive construction from the end of the 16th century; Ses Ànimes tower between Banyalbufar and Estellencs from which you can appreciate the Serra de Tramuntana in its maximum splendour… these are just some examples of where to see the magnificent star king set on the horizon, offering an authentic spectacle of light and colour worth seeing.

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Desde la suave y afrutada Arbequina hasta la robusta y picante Picual, cada tipo de aceituna confiere a su aceite características únicas que pueden transformar un plato sencillo en una obra maestra culinaria.

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