The heart of oleotourism in Mallorca

For those with a love for gastronomy and, more specifically, for those in love with traditional Mediterranean cuisine, tourism based on extra virgin olive oil (a.k.a oleotourism) promises to be quite an experience. Maybe you didn’t know, but Spain is the main producer and exporter of olive oil in the world. That’s why we know of its importance in the culinary tradition of countries bathed by the Mediterranean Sea since it’s a key ingredient for any good recipe. Besides, since we are also producers of extra virgin olive oil in Mallorca, we know how attractive this island can be for gastronomic travellers and, hence we want to tell you about the true meaning of oleotourism in Mallorca.  

Discover the traditional side of Mallorca.  

Many travellers say Mallorca is a paradise and we must agree. The island has more than 3,500 km2 of splendorous views. Beaches are one of the greatest attractions with their crystal-clear waters and golden sand, but the hidden coves in both the north and south of the island are simply spectacular. On the other hand, the Serra de Tramuntana is home to villages with charm and tradition, old roads and monuments worthy of admiration. Besides, this sierra offers ideal routes for hikers and cyclists that will be unforgettable once they’re completed due to their authentic beauty.  

Palma, the capital, is a must-visit for those travellers who want to know the heart of the island’s activity. Strolling through the Gothic Quarter promises to be quite an experience and visiting monuments such as the Cathedral, the Royal Palace of Almudaina or the Bellver Castle among others will not disappoint anyone. Besides, Es Pla (the plain) of the island has villages that are home to handicrafts and windmills that complement the landscape of the area and recall the island’s past.  

However, Mallorca has a lot more to offer than charming beaches, landscapes and villages. Its history with millenary vestiges, its craftsmanship such as that dedicated to ceramics, art glass or textiles, and its gastronomy based on fresh products, exquisite elaborations and, of course, extra virgin olive oil, cannot be ignored.  

Oleotourism in Mallorca, much more than tourism. 

Those like us who promote Mallorcan tourism related to olive oil intend to spread the knowledge of how important olive groves are for the conservation of the environment, as well as which are the characteristics and processes of olive oil production that is used in the Mediterranean countries’ cuisine and, more specifically in Mallorca’s gastronomy. Oleotourism is much more than tourism, it is an experience that promises:  

To know the relevance of olive groves for the environment.  

Strolling through olive groves is quite an experience but knowing the importance they have for the conservation and recovery of biodiversity in Europe is priceless. Recent studies have shown the positive impact that olive groves have on the conservation of flora and fauna, which in the medium term could reach a growth of 35% and oleotourism is one more way of promoting this growth by spreading its importance.  

This type of inland tourism allows you to capture the cultural essence of an olive grove, enjoy traditional and delicious dishes, and even stay in a place completely integrated into nature delighting yourself in its tranquillity and respectful environment, one that you can learn from.  

Walking among olive groves
Walking among olive groves

To unravel the secrets that an olive grove hides.  

The oleotourism that we offer you in Mallorca promises to be a journey in which you will discover the secrets that our olive grove and the production of liquid gold hide. The olive and its oil have been an important link between the cultures of the Mediterranean. Olive oil was once not only a food but also medicine, a cosmetic product and a fuel.  

In Classical Antiquity, an entire economic system was built around the production of oil. The southern hills of what was then Hispania became a gigantic olive field and millions of litres of oil were exported to Rome. Since then, the production method has been perfected. Today we have systems that guarantee product excellence and that allow us to obtain superior quality extra virgin olive oil:  

To discover what the production of liquid gold consists of.  

The superior quality extra virgin olive oil is the one obtained by taking care of the entire production process, from the harvesting of the olive to the bottling of the final product. Only an oleotour allows you to see and understand the work done by small producers like us, who also take care of producing an oil with a Designation of Origin.  

Our tourist activity around olive oil will show you a farm in Es Pla de Mallorca with a landscape of olive trees, farmhouses and oil mills. On this tour you can begin to discover an agricultural export system perfected over the centuries, but which continues to preserve the cultural essence of ancient times. But that’s not all since you will have the opportunity to savour what pure olive juice is, the result of our work.  

To carry out a luxury tasting and learn about the olive oil nuances.  

Knowing what the oil production process is like, especially from the hand of small producers, awakens not only the senses of taste and smell but also the emotional ones when trying their oil. The tasting experience is an essential step to learn how to recognize an excellent olive juice, but also to appreciate the nuances that make it unique and special.  

If you have ever seen or experienced olive oil tasting yourself, you may have observed that it’s done in an opaque container. This is so because the colour of extra virgin olive oil is not a characteristic that determines its quality, unlike its bitterness and itchiness which are directly related to the number of antioxidants in the product, that tells us this is good for our health.

To enjoy an exquisite experience for your palate.  

As we said, the tasting of extra virgin olive oil is a key part of this tour since, in this way, the one participating in this experience can assimilate all the knowledge learned throughout the tour and put their senses to the test. But, moreover, appreciating such a significant product in Mediterranean gastronomy through its most characteristic dishes and thanks to the culinary skills of a chef promises to be an even more exquisite experience for the palate.  

In our tour, you will be able to enjoy, in addition to the tasting, a meal from the hand of a Majorcan chef who will give you to taste culinary elaborations of our land. If you want to know in more detail what other gastronomic products of Mallorca are as special as extra virgin olive oil, you should not miss our post 

To rest in a unique natural environment.  

To complete such a sensory gastronomic journey, one can only rest surrounded by olive groves, an environment full of environmental wealth that promises to be a balm for tourists in love with nature as well as gastronomy. We invite you to try this unique experience!

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