
Cooking recipes

Mediterranean cuisine based on extra virgin olive oil

To enjoy cooking, three things are essential: high-quality ingredients, learning how to combine them correctly and which is their cooking process secret.

So, for you to enjoy every moment in your kitchen we’ve made a selection of the best recipes where olive oil is a key ingredient. Get inspiration and excel in the cooking process!

pasta salad with tzatziki sauce

Pasta salad with tzatziki sauce

This cold recipe, perfect for summer, is made up of some of the best Mediterranean ingredients you’ll find. It’s equally delicious, healthy and full pack of nutrients for the warmest days.

Andalusian gazpacho recipe

Traditional Andalusian gazpacho

Andalusian gazpacho is one of the star recipes in Spain, made with the best products from the garden. A great option to eat vegetables, as well as nutritious, refreshing and very healthy.

Recetas de escalivada

Escalivada recipe

Recipe for escalivada, a traditional Catalan dish that many Spanish regions have adapted, as well as some other areas within the Mediterranean.

Ensalada de garbanzos y bacalao

Chickpea Salad with Cod Recipe

Chickpea salad with codfish, a perfect Mediterranean recipe that combines proteins from legumes and fish, as well as vegetables and extra virgin olive oil.

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    Due to the low production of EVOO in the 2024 harvest due to weather conditions, we are forced to close sales on our website until the next harvest. If you need to buy Treurer oil, you can stop by our farm and take a maximum of three 250 ml bottles.

    Treurer Circle

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    Being a member of the Treurer Club will give you access to the exclusive sale of "novell oil" during the month of November.

    Are you planning to travel to Mallorca? We would like to meet you! Come visit us and make the complete tour around our farm at no cost (free admission for 2 adults, prior booking required).

    Membership requirements

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    Have purchased at least two boxes of product in the last 12 months.

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