Recipe of Mallorcan trampó salad

Trampó salad is one of the most popular salads in Mallorca and the Balearic Islands. It is simple but delicious, and is a perfect accompaniment to any main dish or even as a light meal on its own.

Ingredients of the Majorcan trampó

Processing instructions

  1. Wash all vegetables under cold water.
  2. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into very small pieces.
  3. Clean the peppers, removing the seeds and the inner white parts. Cut them into strips or very small pieces.
  4. Peel the onion and cut it into thin strips or very small pieces.
  5. Mix the tomatoes, peppers and onion in a large bowl.
  6. Add salt to taste.
  7. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. If you prefer, you can add a little vinegar to give it an acid touch.
  8. Stir well so that all the ingredients are mixed and absorb the flavors of the oil and salt.
  9. Refrigerate for a few hours to allow the flavors to blend further.
Trap preparation

Plating the trampó

  1. Serve a generous portion of the salad in a deep plate or serving dish.
  2. Serve a generous portion of the salad in a deep plate or serving dish.
  3. You can garnish with a few basil or mint leaves to give it a fresh and colorful touch.
  4. Served in a bowl or serving dish.
  5. Accompany with crusty bread or as a garnish to fish or meat dishes.

Trampó is the quintessential Mallorcan cuisine: simple, fresh and delicious. It is especially popular in the summer months when the ingredients are at their peak of freshness. Enjoy it!

Trampó dish, Mallorcan salad

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