Vegan Avocado Pesto Pasta

There are many non-traditional pesto recipes that cater to diners of all types of diets. The elaboration that we are going to carry out today is one of them. A vegan pesto based on avocado and cashews, with a touch of powdered brewer’s yeast, which will preserve that cheese flavor, but without resorting to this product that is basic for any traditional recipe.

This sauce is packed with healthy fat sources and is really easy to make. In addition, this vegan pesto will be indisputably delicious with any type of pasta that you’ll choose, so be creative. In just a few minutes you will have a tasty Mediterranean dish with which to delight any diner, regardless of the type of diet they follow. So let’s start with this dish!


Ingredients for vegan pesto pasta

150 g of pasta (2 people)

1 small avocado

50 g cashews

2 Tbsp of brewer’s yeast

1 handful of fresh basil

2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 small garlic clove

Juice of ½ lemon

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Cherry tomato (to garnish)


Process of making pasta with vegan pesto

To prepare this version of vegan pesto you just have to remember to soak the cashews for at least 2 hours before you start cooking. Then you can remove the water and wash them well.

Start by cooking the pasta, follow the instructions that you will see on the package to get them ideally al dente. Next, add the vegan pesto ingredients to a blender jar and mix the ingredients well.

Once the pasta is cooked, remove most of the water and add the pesto mixture. Let it integrate well with the pasta of your choice even with the fire on. The aromas will be unmistakable.

Serve each portion on a plate, decorate with some cherry tomatoes and add a good splash of extra virgin olive oil. And if you would like to try some more traditional pesto recipes: here they are.

Vegan Avocado Pesto Pasta
Vegan Avocado Pesto Pasta Recipe

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