Today we intend to demonstrate that extra virgin olive oil, especially the Arbequina variety (aromatic but lighter in its itchiness and bitterness), has a place in any type of cuisine, even if it’s not Mediterranean. This is because with the right ingredients, we can prepare dishes from many different countries that are nutritious, healthy, elegant and full of flavor.
That is why for this occasion we have chosen a typical recipe from the Asian continent, the red lentil curry, since the bases of this dish are essentially the same as those of many Mediterranean preparations. That is, the legumes and vegetables. The essential difference in these cuisines is the use of spices and oil but, as we have mentioned, we are going to incorporate extra virgin olive oil to give it our Mediterranean touch.
This recipe, in addition to being nutritionally complete, doesn’t contain proteins of animal origin, which is why it’s perfectly suitable for those vegetarians and vegans in love with cooking and olive oil. Therefore, without further delay, let’s start with the recipe.
Ingredients for red lentil curry
250 g of lentils (3 people)
500 liters of light coconut milk (without sugar)
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 large carrots
2 kale leaves
1 thumb grated fresh ginger
3 Tbsp tomato concentrate
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 Tbsp yellow curry
1 Tbsp garam masala
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Red lentil curry making process
To start, wash the lentils well to remove impurities and remove those that are floating. This type of lentil doesn’t need to be soaked before cooking unless you want to reduce the cooking time.
Next, finely chop the onion, garlic and kale. Also, peel and dice the carrots.
In a saucepan over medium heat, add extra virgin olive oil and when hot add the onion. When you see that it has begun to brown, add the garlic and lower the heat so that it cooks for about 5 more minutes.
Add the grated ginger and the rest of the cut vegetables and let it cook for another 5 minutes.
Then you can add the red lentils and incorporate all the ingredients well. If necessary, you can add a few more drops of extra virgin olive oil and then the spices, impregnating all the ingredients with aroma.
Next, add the light coconut milk and the concentrated tomato paste and stir until it comes to a boil.
Season with salt and pepper to taste and allow the red lentil curry stew to reduce, until most of the liquid has evaporated. If you like it more liquidy you can add more coconut milk.
Once the liquid is reduced, it will be ready to serve. You can serve it with yogurt, herbs like cilantro, or orange or lemon zest.