Mushroom risotto recipe with bacon

Rice is famous for its versatility. It can be cooked in a thousand ways but the truth is that sometimes white rice can be boring. But when it comes to risottos, we can never be bored. This typical Italian cuisine elaboration that come up as a hearty dish can be dine by itself or, if you want it, as a side dish with something else.

Pay attention because we are going to show you how to prepare a mushroom risotto, a classic Mediterranean dish that you can easily make if you follow step by step the instructions down below.


Ingredients for the preparation of the mushroom risotto

400 g of special rice for risotto (4 people)

250 g of fresh mushrooms

1 white onion

1 clove garlic

½ glass of white wine

1.5 liters of chicken or vegetable broth

50 g Parmesan or Grana Padano cheese

20 ml of extra virgin olive oil


Freshly ground black pepper

Provencal herbs

Fresh parsley leaves

1 strip of bacon (optional)


Mushroom risotto preparation process

Start by preparing the mushrooms. Clean the possible remains of earth and cut the hardest part of the roots. Cut about 175 grams into small dices and the other 75 grams into sheets that will be use to garnish on top.

Next, peel the white onion and chop it into very small dices. Do the same with the garlic clove. Next, in a low saucepan over medium heat add half the extra virgin olive oil and, when hot, add the onion.

Cook the onion for about 3 minutes and add the minced garlic. Cook for about 2 more minutes, stirring from time to time to ensure that the ingredients are poached and do not burn, acquiring a transparent tone.

Add the diced mushrooms along with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper and cook for about 5 more minutes. Increase the temperature of the fire and add the white wine.

While the alcohol in the wine evaporates, heat the chicken or vegetable broth. Think that it must be practically boiling. Use the microwave or heat it in a saucepan, whichever is more comfortable.

Lower the heat to medium temperature again and add the rice to the pot of vegetables and stir well so that it is incorporated with the rest of the ingredients for a few minutes. Then add the hot broth in batches.

Add approximately two ladles at a time (the equivalent of a glass) and when the rice has almost completely absorbed the liquid, add another two. Continue this process for about 15 or 20 minutes until the broth runs out.

Meanwhile, in another pan over high heat, add about a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and cook the sliced mushrooms. When they have reduced and their water evaporated, add the strips of bacon.

When the rice is sticky, turn off the heat. Add one more teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and the cheese (of your choice) that you should have grated. Taste the result, being careful not to burn yourself, and adjust the salt if necessary.

To serve, first add the risotto and then garnish with the sliced mushrooms, strips of bacon, Provencal herbs to taste, some parsley leaves and enjoy this delicious Mediterranean dish.

Mushroom risotto recipe with bacon
Mushroom risotto recipe with bacon

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