Perhaps when you think of donuts you think of calories, fat and sugar, lots of sugar. You may have removed them from your diet because processed donuts are unhealthy, but let us tell you that there’s a homemade version you can enjoy again without feeling guilty.
The healthy homemade donuts that we are going to show you are made with whole ingredients, so it’s possible to enjoy them weekly, for breakfast, snack or dessert, or just to treat yourself from time to time.
Besides, this recipe is another clear example that you can use extra virgin olive oil in any type of preparation, whether salty or sweet. As long as you use Arbequina variety olive oil, since it has organoleptic properties that are much more compatible with any type of recipe. Let’s get started!
Ingredients for making homemade donuts
200 grams of roasted or microwaved sweet potato.
50 ml of vegetable drink
3 tablespoons of date paste
2 free range eggs
30 ml of extra virgin olive oil (Arbequina)
2 tablespoons defatted cocoa powder
3 tablespoons of almond flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of yeast
Pinch of salt
Dark chocolate 85%
Cashew cream to decorate
Additional tools:
Silicone molds for donuts
Process of making homemade donuts
Start by leaving a handful of cashews to soak. Next, to prepare the sweet potato you have two options: roast it or heat it in the microwave:
- For the first option, you should wrap it in aluminum foil and take it to the oven preheated to 180ºC for approximately 45 minutes, depending on the size of the sweet potato.
- For the second option, pierce the sweet potato with a knife and put it in the microwave for 6 or 8 minutes in 2-minute intervals, making sure to turn it each time.
Once the sweet potato is cooked, grind it with the help of a blender or a food processor. Next, add the date paste, the vegetable drink, the extra virgin olive oil and the egg yolks, which you should have separated from the white, and mix well. Once this step is done, beat the egg whites until they are firm and add them to the wet ingredients with soft movements.
PRO TIP! Remember that date paste is the grinded combination of pitted dates with a small amount of water after soaking them for approximately 1 hour.
In a bowl, add all the dry ingredients: cocoa powder, cinnamon powder, almond flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then add the wet ingredients and mix well. Once the dough is ready, fill the donuts’ silicone molds.
Put the mold in a preheated oven at 200ºC for about 10 to 15 minutes (depending on the power of the oven) with heat up and down. Check every 5 minutes to prevent them from burning.
Once baked, remove the pan from the oven and let cool for 30 minutes before unmolding the donuts. 5 minutes before unmolding, heat a few ounces of dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave (at intervals of 30 to 45 seconds) to decorate the top of the donuts. Keep heating more chocolate ounces according to need.
While the chocolate and donuts are cooling, prepare the cashew cream. Remove the water, wash them again and grind them with a little more extra virgin olive oil. When the chocolate on the donut is cold, you add the cashew cream on top with the help of spoon. All you have to do now is enjoy the delicious sweet taste of these healthy donuts.

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