Mediterranean BBQ skewers with mini-burgers and vegetables

In spring and summer -and why not, on sunny days in autumn and winter- one of the great pleasures we have is enjoying a delicious barbecue outdoors with family and friends, in the garden…

However, on these occasions, we can get to eat quite a lot of meat products and, if what we want is to follow a healthy and balanced diet such as the Mediterranean, the best we can do is complement our meat with vegetables from the garden.

To do so, one of the best solutions is to make colourful and tasteful skewers that satisfy diners of all ages. That is why we bring you a version with mini chicken burgers and blue cheese, vegetables and mushrooms that will be a success on your barbecue.

Ingredients for the preparation of Mediterranean skewers (4 servings)

For the mini chicken burgers

500 g of minced chicken meat
1 egg

50 g oatmeal

50 g of blue cheese

1 red onion, minced

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon rosemary honey

1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

For the preparation of skewers

2 zucchini

3 red onions

1 large red bell pepper

125 g of mushrooms

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Preparation method of Mediterranean skewers

In a small skillet, heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Once hot, add chopped red onion and a teaspoon of rosemary honey.

When it begins to brown, add salt and a teaspoon of garlic powder. Stir well so that the onion caramelises. After 7 minutes, remove the caramelised onion from the pan.

Next, in a bowl, add the chicken minced meat, oatmeal, an egg, salt and pepper and mix all the ingredients well until they are well incorporated.

Next, carefully add the crumbled blue cheese and mix to preserve the cheese bits as much as possible. And now is the time to make the mini-hamburgers.

Divide the mixture evenly. With these amounts, you should get about eight mini-burgers, unless you want them smaller. Separate them on a tray and keep them in the fridge.

While the burgers are chilling in the fridge, you can start slicing the vegetables and mushrooms to make the skewers.

Then, season the vegetables with salt and pepper to taste and add extra virgin olive oil. Stir so that the dressing is well incorporated.

To finish, alternate the mini-burgers and the vegetables on a metal or wooden skewer to cook them on the barbecue.

Once cooked, you can accompany these skewers with guacamole sauce or homemade mayonnaise, as well as an appetizing rustic bread for your pa amb oli.

Mediterranean BBQ skewers with mini-burgers and vegetables
Mediterranean BBQ skewers with mini-burgers and vegetables

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