Mayonnaise with olive oil: fitness and vegan versions

Mayonnaise is one of the most acclaimed sauces around the world. And despite the fact the original recipe preparation is relatively simple, most homes prefer to have a shop-bought variant. Even those who count calories might have its light version. But why? Is the nutritional value of these industrial mayonnaises taken into account?

If you value or want to start evaluating the quality of the ingredients you use in the kitchen, here you have two healthy mayonnaise variations. The fitness option -for those who mind- will be lower in fat and higher in protein. Whereas, the vegan alternative will be for those in this diet or who want to experiment in their kitchen. And the best thing about these recipes is that they are quick and easy, with no chance for the mayonnaise to separate.

Ingredients for making mayonnaise

Option 1 (fitness):

4 boiled eggs

50 ml of extra virgin olive oil (preferably Arbequina variety)

15 ml of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice

Salt to taste

Option 2 (vegan):

125 ml of extra virgin olive oil (preferably Arbequina variety)

75 soy milk (no sugar added)

5 ml of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice

Salt to taste

Additional ingredients:

½ clove of garlic

Chopped chives

Method of making mayonnaise

Fitness mayonnaise:

Add the liquids to a blender cup along with two of the boiled eggs.

Remove the yolk* from the other two remaining eggs and add the whites to the cup.

Add salt to taste and blend. You can adjust the liquids based on the size of the eggs.

* Use up the egg yolks, for example, in your salads.

Mayonnaise with olive oil
Mayonnaise with olive oil


Vegan mayonnaise:

Check that the liquids are around the same temperature, especially milk and extra virgin olive oil.

Add them to a blender cup along with salt and place the blender on the bottom to blend at medium speed without moving.

When the ingredients begin to emulsify, you can make up and down movements until homogeneous.

PRO TIP: To get an aioli you can add half a clove of garlic to the mixture or chop a few chives and add them for presentation.

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