Gourmet recipe of grilled lobster with figs and strawberry gazpacho, prepared by chef José Cortés

In today’s recipe we dare to make a warm dish in which the star ingredient will be a grilled lobster. This excellent seafood product will be accompanied by a gazpacho that, far from being the traditional one, will be complemented with the flavor of strawberries. In addition, as a final touch we will add some rose petals and figs, a fruit whose properties marry perfectly with the flavors and aromas of the strawberries, the lobster and, of course, the extra virgin olive oil.

Although it may seem a bizarre combination, the truth is that each of these ingredients combine and complement each other perfectly. Sometimes you have to dare to experiment in the kitchen and try new recipes and this one in particular, besides being easy to carry out, results in an exquisite, tasty and surprising dish that we encourage you to try in the hottest days.


For the lobster

Lobster (1 piece per person)

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • For the strawberry gazpacho
  • 2 pear tomatoes
  • ½ large Italian bell pepper
  • 50 g cucumber
  • ¼ medium white onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 200 g strawberries
  • 30 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 ml of sherry vinegar
  • Salt
  • To serve:
  • Rose petals
  • Pea sprouts
  • 2 figs
  • Fleur de sel d’es Trenc Mediterranea
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Grilled lobster:

First, to clean the lobster, separate the head from the body. On a cutting board, make a dry and energetic cut just at the end of the head. This will give you two pieces.

PRO TIP! Reserve the head for other preparations. For example, use it in a fish broth, rice or seafood. The lobster will enhance the delicious flavor of these preparations.

Next, make another cross-cutting blow on the shell that protects the lobster’s body in order to have two similar pieces. Place these pieces on the grill or, failing that, on a hot griddle with extra virgin olive oil and let them cook. While you check the lobster from time to time, continue with the gazpacho.

When it is fully cooked, remove it from the grill and remove the meat with the help of a soup spoon so as not to break the pieces.

Strawberry gazpacho:

To make the gazpacho, halve the tomatoes and green bell pepper and add them to a blender jar or food processor. Add also the onion piece, cucumber and a peeled garlic clove.

Wash and remove the leaves from the strawberries and add them to the glass, cut in half, along with the extra virgin olive oil, sherry vinegar and a pinch of salt. Then blend all the ingredients.

PRO TIP! The best tomato for making gazpacho is the pear tomato as it has a higher proportion of water. But, if you feel that your gazpacho is too thick, you can always add a little natural water until you get the consistency you want.

Usually, the gazpacho is passed through a sieve but, on this occasion, the desired result is more rustic, so this step can be omitted. Taste it to adjust the touch of salt.


To plate, add a few spoonfuls of gazpacho on the plate, making some shapes. Then add the chopped lobster, rose petals and pea sprouts.

Next, add a drizzle of extra virgin arbequina olive oil, a pinch of Flor de sal d’es Trenc Mediterránea and, finally, two figs cut in half. Accompany the dish with a glass of strawberry gazpacho with ice and enjoy this tasty gourmet recipe.

Bogavante a la brasa con higos y gazpacho de fresa

Grilled lobster with figs and strawberry gazpacho

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