4 excursions from Algaida not to be missed

Continuing with our collection of routes from the Pla de Mallorca, this time we have decided to talk about excursions around Algaida.

If in previous installments we have talked about plans that you can do in the center of Mallorca and cultural visits in the Pla de Mallorca, we believe that you would be interested in knowing some walking routes that will help you to discover the natural and scenic values of the area.

On this occasion we will explain you how to make four excursions from Algaida, simple and of different durations. Specifically, we will visit the Hermitage of Castelltx de La Pau, the Puig de Randa, the surroundings of Algaida and the Sierra de Galdent, finding different reasons for each of the excursions.

If you decide to stay in our hotel or in any other establishment in the area, dedicating some afternoons to a quiet walk will help you relax and get to know the area better.

4 natural and scenic routes departing from Algaida

  • Excursion to the hermitage of Castellitx de La Pau.
  • Excursion to Puig de Randa.
    Circular excursion to the paths that surround Algaida.
  • Excursion to the Serra de Galdent.

1. Excursion to the hermitage of Castellitx de La Pau

Between Randa and Algaida, hidden among lush forests, we find a small chapel dedicated to the Mare de la Pau (Mother of Peace) nestled in the hamlet of Castellitx.

This small hermitage was one of the first ones erected after the conquest of Mallorca by Jaime I. Its antiquity is mentioned in the bull of Pope Innocent IV in 1248.

Inside is a Gothic carving (1430) of the Virgin Mary made of polychrome wood. The Virgin is seated holding a sphere in her right hand and the child Jesus is seated on her lap, who in turn holds another sphere. Unfortunately, at the present time it is not possible to visit the interior of the emitted one.

The excursion that starts from the cemetery of Algaida is about 8km long and lasts 1h. 45m. and is classified as low difficulty. We will find red arrows that will indicate the way to the hermitage.

Excursions from Algaida - Hermitage of the Mare de la Pau de Castellitx

2. Excursion to Puig de Randa.

The mountain of Randa is one of the most characteristic points of the Mallorcan landscape. And this is, among other things, because in this mountain we can find three sanctuaries: Sanctuary of Gràcia, Sanctuary of San Honorato and, at the top, Sanctuary of Cura.

The second reason is that it was the place chosen by Ramon Llull, the Mallorcan sage and blessed, to retire until he found divine enlightenment. It is said that there is a bush, called mastic, whose dots and stripes are the words dictated by God to Ramon Llull.

The first section, from Algaida to the town of Randa, at the foot of the mountain, has a length of 5.1 km. The height of the mountain is 430 m.

If you want to know in detail the excursion, you can read this article dedicated entirely to the ascent.

Excursions from Algaida - Puig de Randa

3. Circular excursion to the paths that surround Algaida.

This hiking route runs through a practically flat landscape. Some gentle slopes will make the route less monotonous. Pine forests and scrubland will accompany us throughout the journey.

The route is 11.5 km long and takes about three and a half hours to complete and has been classified as easy.

The talayots are stone constructions made by the first inhabitants of the islands in the Majorcan prehistory, which was called “talayotic culture”. Present only in Mallorca and Menorca, their name means “small watchtower”, since it is believed that they served as watchtowers of the territory. Other scholars attribute ceremonial functions to them.

During the tour we will find the Talaiot de Son Coll Nou, the Ermita de la Pau de Castelltx, already mentioned in the first of the excursions proposed in this article, and the farmhouse of Castellitx.

In this article you can find more information about the excursion.

4. Excursion to the Serra de Galdent.

The Serra de Galdent is a mountain range formed by three peaks called Puig de Galdent (Pico de Galdent), Puig de Claret (Pico de Claret) and Puig de Ses Bruixes (Pico de las Brujas) and heights between 300m and 400m.

One of the main characteristics of the area is the abundance of caves, as the mountain range is made up of compacted sandy material that is easily eroded.

The constructive use of this material, easy to obtain and with a high yield, made that a large quarry was born in its interior from the fourteenth century, providing material for public and ecclesiastical buildings in the area, reaching as far as the Cathedral of Palma.

This led to these caves being used by bandits during the 19th century. Joan Durí is one of them, still remembered in the area as a cruel murderer of men, women and children.

Nowadays, one of these caves houses a famous restaurant where the traditional Mallorcan porcella is tasted.

The pointed shape of the Pico de las Brujas excited the imagination of the inhabitants of the area. Tradition has it that a cross was placed on its peak to scare away the witches that circulated between Algaida and Llucmajor. Although it is true that the cross does not exist today, a foot has been found with a hole prepared to insert what could well be a cross.

Excursions from Algaida - Serra de Galdent

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