In the last year, we have seen a boom in virtual events, especially due to the pandemic, however, the truth is face-to-face gatherings still are the way most people prefer to meet when it comes to business. Especially now that health measures can provide safe environments, it’s time to resume these face-to-face corporate events, as they are the best way to close business agreements, socialize in the workplace, conduct training sessions and generate valuable content, but also, to enjoy unforgettable experiences.

And with no doubt, Mallorca is the ideal place to organize an event of these characteristics. Actually, not only couples visit us every year to carry out their idyllic wedding, but many entrepreneurs, no matter how large their corporations are, resort to our island to plan their most relevant business event. However, an event is not always easy to plan. Therefore, for you to organise one successfully, achieve your goals and be able to adjust to a budget, we have listed the most important steps you must follow:

The 5 most important tips to organize your corporate event in Mallorca

  1. To start, define the objectives of your corporate event.
  2. Think of the attendees to organize an original event
  3. Choose the right venue and support team for your event.
  4. Create a communication plan adapted to the attendees.
  5. And finally, make sure you get their feedback.


1. To start, define the objectives of your corporate event.

As you surely know, corporate events have a great capacity to communicate a very specific message, either between workers, partners, clients and potential clients or between businesses in the same sector. so, the reason why a corporate event is held is the fundamental basis when it comes to defining the objectives and its organization.

From gatherings or company dinners, continuing with meetings and conferences, congresses and symposia, to activities to consolidate relationships between employees, corporate events must have clear and concrete objectives so that their organization and development are fluid, and a clear message among attendees is finally transmitted. But how to define the objectives properly?

  • Like company ones, the event objectives also have to be quantifiable and measurable. You may think that an event to improve the work environment doesn’t need to be like that, but today several survey models can determine how the relationship between workers is like and if it needs to be improved to generate an optimal work environment.
  • In the same way, your event objectives must be considered within the overall business objectives. Whether it’s to generate more sales, provide the necessary training for employees or to promote an idea, consolidate labour relations, promote products or services, etc. the main objective must be defined taking into account the overall company goals of the one organizing it.
Tips for organizing an event in Mallorca
Organizing an event in Mallorca

Once the objectives of this event have been defined, its success will depend on how detailed you are during its organization. In this way, the final result may be the maximum satisfaction of the attendees who, of course, are one of the key pieces to take into account during the event planning, as we will talk about next:

2. Think of the attendees to organize an original event.

If there’s one thing that is clear to us at Treurer, it’s that our client’s satisfaction is extremely important. Therefore, whenever we have organized an event, our maxim has been to ensure that attendees had a great experience and that the event exceeded their expectations. For this, its originality is essential. But of course, you cannot be original if you don’t know the preferences of the people who will attend the event.

For this reason, one of the key aspects when organizing a corporate event is getting to know these attendees. This effort will help you plan and ensure that the experience is optimal and that not only their expectations are met, but the company’s goals are also achieved. Thus, it’s important to leave a mark on the attendees’ memory during the celebration of the event, by making it original and differentiating.

To do this, depending on your objectives, you’ll need to analyse the ways of providing added value to the participants, avoiding standardized ideas. In this sense, it’s not only vital to connect with the public from the first communications, but also to define a theme and choose the decoration, music and catering that go accordingly. Of course, all this will be influenced by the venue of choice for the event:

3. Choose the right venue and support team for your event.

Corporate events tend to put the focus of attention on the organizing company, hence regardless of the event size, this is key when it comes to standing out from the competition, especially if you take into account factors such as creativity, innovation and sustainability.

For this reason, choosing the right venue to carry it out is a vital step. And as you probably already know, in Mallorca there are a lot of original spaces to choose from. And of course, when choosing the place, the initial objectives and the attendees must be taken into account.

lugares originales donde celebrar eventos privados en mallorca
Mallorca has a large number of places to organize original events.

The adequate location will make it possible to create the right atmosphere, add value through experience, but also spend the correct number of resources needed to calculate the impact the event will have on the environment. This will guarantee greater sustainability for the event, thus leaving a positive legacy.

In this sense, the support team, especially people working in the field, must be aware of every detail. So, the task of this team will be to work with the necessary resources to guarantee that this sustainability is achieved while considering possible contingencies, and the best possible experience is met.

4. Create a communication plan adapted to the attendees.

As we have previously commented, events are great communication instruments, effective both internally and externally. The message that is transmitted, that is, the content, is as important as the venue where the event takes place and, for this reason, it’s crucial to generate this content and be able to spread it effectively.

In this sense, the communication processes before the event to promote and publicize it, and subsequent communications, are great tools that validate the experience that the attendees will have and that will guarantee the success of the event. Thus, it will be essential to previously generate this content, taking it into account within the overall experience of the event.

You have to think that, if you hold an external event, that is, if it’s aimed at potential and current clients, as well as suppliers, the content will be different from an internal event, in which the attendees are linked to the organization. However, in both cases the communication must add value, being consistent with the image (and the message) that the organizing company is transmitting.

5. And finally, make sure you get their feedback.

Asking the opinion of the attendees shows that, as the event organizer, it’s important for you to guarantee an optimal experience and to satisfy the expectations of the attendees, working to improve in the future. On the other hand, thanks to this feedback it will be possible to support quantifiable data with which to assess the effectiveness of the event and whether the objectives have finally been met.

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