Arturo Guillan


Arturo Guillan

Responsable de mantenimiento

No hay gran proyecto sin una persona para todo y en Treurer éste es Arturo.

Ligado a Treurer desde hace tiempo. Es el responsable del mantenimiento de las instalaciones y de apoyo en el servicio.

Arturo siempre está atento a lo que sucede y dispuesto a intervenir dónde se le necesite. Con avidez de aprendizaje, ni se le escapa, ni se le resiste nada, siempre encuentra una solución para cualquier situación.

Podemos definir a Arturo como polivalente y detallista, y él se encarga de poner ambas características en el día a día de Treurer. 

¿Podemos ayudarte?

Déjanos tu consulta y te responderemos antes de 24h.

Your vacations in our Finca-Hotel

Live a special Majorca spending your holidays in our Finca Hotel in Treurer. Here you can enjoy your rest surrounded by olive trees and in a very pleasant and relaxed environment.

Junior Suite Olivar 12 1
Habitacion doble vistas Randa b 5
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    Due to the low production of EVOO in the 2024 harvest due to weather conditions, we are forced to close sales on our website until the next harvest. If you need to buy Treurer oil, you can stop by our farm and take a maximum of three 250 ml bottles.

    Treurer Circle

    If you’re part of our circle of friends you will have lots of benefits.
    You can be part of it from the first purchase.


    Being a member of the Treurer Club will give you access to the exclusive sale of "novell oil" during the month of November.

    Are you planning to travel to Mallorca? We would like to meet you! Come visit us and make the complete tour around our farm at no cost (free admission for 2 adults, prior booking required).

    Membership requirements

    You can belong to our circle, by meeting two simple conditions:

    Have purchased at least two boxes of product in the last 12 months.

    Be registered in our newsletter.

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    Treurer EVOO
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