Health benefits of extra virgin olive oil

"May your medicine be your food and food your medicine"


Only extra virgin olive oil has numerous benefits for people’s health.

The Mediterranean diet, which is the healthiest among the world’s diets, bases its fat contribution on olive’s oil intake.

30% of the energy in this diet comes from healthy fats such as olive oil, while the intake of saturated fats doesn’t exceed 7%. In fact, populations based on the Mediterranean diet have significantly lower than average incidence of coronary heart disease and cancer.

There are numerous studies that link the inverse incidence between olive oil consumption and breast, gastric, colon, endometrial and ovarian cancer. The most extensive and prestigious study of those that have been carried out is PREDIMED.

Health benefits of olive oil

Prevention of arteriosclerotic plaques

Its vitamin E content is an important element for preventing the appearance of these plaques, which clog our arteries and impede blood flow, leading to heart attacks. Hence, it improves blood pressure control.

Prevention of cellular aging and cancer cells

Due to the antioxidant effect of vitamin E (also known as tocopherol), which eliminates free radicals from the body, in addition to other compounds such as phytosterols, which also has anti-tumour action.

Bad cholesterol reduction

Due to the monounsaturated fats presence. Since olive oil is from vegetable origin, it doesn’t contain sterols in form of cholesterol. A 0.7% of squalene, which is a triterpene acid, can be found in extra virgin olive oil, being one of the few foods that contains this substance in such high proportions.

Improvement of diabetes

By lowering blood-glucose level.

Hardening of the bones

By improving the absorption capacity of calcium.

Reduction of gastric acidity and ulcers appearance

It reduces the oesophageal mucosa and facilitates intestinal transit.

Alzheimer's prevention

Due to the presence of polyphenols, those natural antioxidants that protect against aging and the appearance of cancer cells.

Olive oil in children’s health

Childhood is an age with high energy needs as part of its growth and development. Some studies estimate the energy that must come from lipids (fats) at 40%. And there is no better fat contribution than that provided by extra virgin olive oil.

Other benefits
Develop the nervous system. Fatty acids and good cholesterol (HDL) help in childhood to form cell membranes, develop neurons and the nervous system.
Satisfy your appetite.
Eliminate constipation.
Activate blood circulation.
Main factor of bone formation.

Age of onset in olive oil consumption
When the child is six months old, the olive oil intake in the diet can begin. Olive oil is the one that contains very similar fats to those present in breast milk and it’s also the easiest to digest, apart from the fact it contains excellent qualities, as we have seen.

Adequate quantity
An adequate amount is 20 to 30gr per day, which is equivalent to about 2 or 3 tablespoons daily.

Other health benefits

olive oil benefits for health

Treurer in your house

Extra virgin olive oil box of 6 Bottles

Box of 6 bottles of Treurer extra virgin olive oil 250ml.

Box of 6 units. 250ml.

Treurer extra virgin olive oil is an oil from the Arbequina variety of olives, balanced, with moderate fruity, slightly spicy as well as bitter.


We want you to stay young and healthy. That is why we offer you a € 30 shipping per order, regardless the amount of boxes and their destination (only applicable in Europe). For shipments to UK, the cost will be 30€ and 130€ to the USA, also regardless of the number of boxes purchased. If the delivery is made in Spain, this cost will be 15€.

And now, if you want, you can periodically receive your Treurer oil at home.

The Predimed study on the Mediterranean diet recommends a daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil of at least 40 grams per person.
Thus, a person needs 1.2kg. of Treurer oil per month to take care of their cardiovascular health and well-being.

Four-monthly subscription to our extra virgin olive oil

Minimum subscription two boxes of 6 pcs. x 500ml. Free shipping!

Add two boxes for each additional person in the family.

Number of boxes per consignment

Free shipping, regardless of the number of boxes ordered. Shipments are made on the 20th of each month. Orders placed after the 20th of each month will be shipped on the 20th of the following month.

Subscriptions are limited to Europe and UK.

If you wish to cancel the service, you can do so from the Subscriptions section in My Account.

PREDIMED program

Miquel Fiol Sala, Researcher of the PREDIMED Study and Scientific Director of IDISBA

Mediterranean diet

Miquel Miralles, owner

Mediterranean diet

Ramón Estruch MD, expert in cardiovascular health

Olive oil culture

Extra virgin olive oil equals a healthier life

mediterranean diet

What is the Mediterranean diet?

Do you really know what exactly is the Mediterranean diet and if it is as healthy as they say? Get ready to know how to make your diet more Mediterranean.

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    Due to the low production of EVOO in the 2024 harvest due to weather conditions, we are forced to close sales on our website until the next harvest. If you need to buy Treurer oil, you can stop by our farm and take a maximum of three 250 ml bottles.

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