Mallorca in June

June in Mallorca is a vibrant and lively time, marked by a pleasant and mild climate, ideal for enjoying both day and night. It is the perfect time to explore its fine sandy beaches and clear waters, as well as to immerse yourself in the island’s nature, with its green fields and clear skies.

This month is especially noted for its calendar full of festivities and events. June in Mallorca is a mixture of tradition and modernity, with everything from popular fiestas to modern music festivals. These events are an excellent opportunity to learn about local customs and participate in the celebrations that form an essential part of Mallorcan culture.

In short, June is the ideal month to visit Mallorca, not only for its climate and scenery but also for the opportunity to experience a wide range of cultural and festive activities that offer an authentic insight into the island and its people.

The weather in Mallorca in June

June in Mallorca marks the beginning of summer, bringing with it warm and pleasant weather that is ideal for exploring the island. Temperatures during this month usually range between 20 °C in the cooler hours and can reach up to 28 °C during the day. This mild and mostly sunny weather makes June the perfect time to enjoy the island’s many beaches and coves.

The sea water begins to warm up, with temperatures hovering around 22°C, inviting refreshing swims and water sports. The humidity is relatively low, making the heat more bearable and the nights cooler, ideal for nightlife or outdoor dining.

The rainfall in June is rare, ensuring plenty of sunny days, perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling or just relaxing on the beach. Sunshine extends well into the afternoon, offering long days to make the most of every day.

This climate also favours the bloom of the local vegetation, filling Mallorca’s landscapes with bright colours and fresh aromas, making excursions around the island an even more sensory experience.

The weather in Mallorca in June offers a perfect balance between warmth and comfort, making it one of the best months to visit the island both to relax on its beaches and to explore its many natural and cultural attractions;

mallorca, en Junio, Torre de

Main events and traditions

June in Mallorca is synonymous with celebrations and traditions, with events that attract both locals and visitors.

Night-time potato fair in Sa Pobla

The Sa Pobla Potato Night Fair is an annual event that celebrates one of the most emblematic agricultural products of this region of Mallorca: the potato. This fair, which takes place at night, is a moment of celebration and recognition of the importance of the potato in the local economy and culture.

The introduction of the potato in Mallorca dates back to the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. This tuber, originally from South America, was brought to Europe by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th century. However, its cultivation in Mallorca was not consolidated until centuries later.

It was during the 19th century that its value as a foodstuff began to be appreciated, partly due to the food crises experienced in Europe. In Mallorca, potato cultivation began to be significant in this period, with the island soon recognising the potential of this crop for both domestic consumption and export.

The potato found in Mallorca an ideal climate and soil conditions for its cultivation. The island began to produce high quality potatoes that soon gained recognition. At the beginning of the 20th century, potato exports became an important economic activity for Mallorca. Potatoes were mainly exported to the British market, the Iberian Peninsula and other European countries.

What can you find at the Potato Fair?


Potato exhibitions and sales: The event focuses on showcasing the diversity and quality of potatoes grown in Sa Pobla. Local farmers present their best products, offering visitors the opportunity to buy fresh potatoes directly from their producers.

Gastronomy: The fair is also a gastronomic celebration. Local restaurants and food stalls prepare a variety of dishes in which the potato is the protagonist, showcasing its versatility and central role in Mallorcan cuisine. Visitors can enjoy everything from traditional dishes to more innovative culinary creations.

Music and entertainment: To complement the experience, the Potato Night Fair is often enlivened with live music and other forms of entertainment, creating a festive and welcoming atmosphere.

Promotion of local agriculture: The event serves not only to sell and taste potatoes, but also to educate the public about agricultural practices and the importance of supporting local producers. Activities and exhibitions are often organised to promote awareness of sustainable agriculture and the local economy.

Community involvement: The fair is a clear example of the community of Sa Pobla coming together to celebrate its agricultural heritage. It is an event that attracts residents and tourists alike, offering an authentic Mallorcan experience.

Cultural importance: The Sa Pobla potato is not only a crop, but also an element of identity for the region. The fair, held at night, offers a unique and attractive experience, different from traditional daytime fairs. It is an opportunity to enjoy the freshness of the night in an atmosphere full of flavour and tradition.

Saint John’s Night (Nit de Sant Joan)

One of the most emblematic events in June is the Saint John’s Night, which is celebrated on the eve of 24 June. This festivity has its roots in ancient pagan traditions related to the summer solstice, although over time it has been Christianised to coincide with the birth of Saint John the Baptist.

St. John’s Eve is famous for its bonfires, which are lit on beaches and in squares all over the island. According to legend, these bonfires have the power to purify and renew those who dare to jump over them. It is a magical night where joy and mystery mingle, and rituals are performed such as writing wishes on a piece of paper and then burning them in the fire, symbolising the release of the old and the welcoming of new beginnings.

Another highlight are the concerts that take place in different parts of the island, with the beach of Palma being one of the most popular places to enjoy these festivities. Music, dancing and typical food, such as “cocas de San Juan”, a type of sweet or savoury cake, are essential elements of this celebration.

In addition to the Noche de San Juan, June hosts other festivities and cultural events. For example, some villages hold agricultural fairs and craft markets, where you can enjoy local products and learn more about Mallorcan craftsmanship.

An interesting legend associated with Mallorca is that of the “Dimoni”, a mythological character present in many of the island’s festivities. It is said that the Dimoni represents spirits or forces of nature and it is common to see him at various celebrations, where he adds a touch of mysticism and tradition to the events.

In short, June in Mallorca is a month full of life, colour and tradition, where ancient legends intertwine with modern celebrations, offering visitors a unique and memorable cultural experience.

Mallorca en Junio, Nit de Sant Joan

Cocas de Sant Joan (Coques de Sant Joan) (St John’s cakes)

The “Cocas de Sant Joan” are an essential element of Mallorcan gastronomy during the festivities of Saint John, especially on the night of 23rd June. These cocas are a type of cake or flatbread, which can be both sweet and savoury, and form an integral part of the celebration of the Night of San Juan in Mallorca and other regions of Spain.

The sweet versions of cocas are usually decorated with candied fruit, custard and sometimes pine nuts. The dough is similar to that of a brioche, soft and slightly sweet. The candied fruit on top not only adds flavour, but also creates a colourful and festive look.

The salty cakes, on the other hand, can contain a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, sobrassada and other types of meat or fish. The dough for the savoury cocas is the dough of the coca de trampó, which has a firm, crunchy texture.

Tradition and symbolism of the Coca of Sant Joan

On Midsummer’s Eve, these cocas become much more than just food; they are a symbol of gathering and celebration. Families and friends gather around bonfires on the beach or in their homes, sharing cokes as they enjoy the festivities. The act of sharing coca symbolises togetherness and community, essential elements of this festivity.

Although many families in Mallorca have their own inherited recipes for preparing cocas de Sant Joan, it is also common to buy them in bakeries and patisseries, where they are prepared especially for this occasion. During this time of the year, the bakeries display an impressive variety of these delicacies, attracting both locals and tourists.

A walk around the city of Palma de Mallorca on a day in June

June is a wonderful month to explore Palma de Mallorca. Life in Palma during this month is a perfect balance between the bustling tourist activity and the calm of local life. Here is an ideal way to enjoy the city during this month.

  1. Start in the old town: Start your day in the heart of Palma, strolling through its cobbled streets. The old town is a charming labyrinth of narrow streets, hidden squares and historic buildings. Don’t miss the imposing Palma Cathedral, known locally as “La Seu”, a magnificent example of Mediterranean Gothic that stands out against the blue June sky.
  2. Gardines de S’Hort del Rei: Near the Cathedral, these gardens are an oasis of tranquillity. It is the perfect place to relax.
  3. Plaza Mayor and surroundings: Continue on to Plaza Mayor, a vibrant space surrounded by cafés and shops. Here you can have a coffee and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. Street performers often animate this space, adding a cultural touch to the atmosphere.
  4. Cultural exploration in the Santa Catalina neighbourhood: This neighbourhood is known for its bohemian atmosphere and nightlife. Enjoy its art galleries, designer shops and cafés with terraces.
  5. Visit Santa Catalina Market: Head to Santa Catalina Market to immerse yourself in local flavours. June is a great time to sample fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. The market is also famous for its tapas and fresh seafood stalls.
  6. Paseo Marítimo: After the market, walk to the Paseo Marítimo. June is perfect for enjoying the views of the harbour, with its yachts and boats.
  7. Dinner and sunset at Es Baluard: To end your day, head to the Es Baluard museum of modern and contemporary art. In addition to its interesting collection, it offers one of the best views of Palma, ideal for enjoying an unforgettable sunset.
Mallorca en Junio, Senderismo

Legends of Mallorca in June

The legend of the night of San Juan

June in Mallorca is marked by the magical night of San Juan, a celebration full of rituals and superstitions. According to legend, on this night, the witches and spirits of the island become more active and the veil between the mortal and spiritual worlds thins. There is a popular belief that if you bathe in the sea at midnight during San Juan, your troubles and worries will be washed away by the waves, bringing purification and renewal.

The Vimer de Manacor and the healing of hernias

The tradition of curing hernias by passing through the “vimer” (a kind of ring made of intertwined branches) at the Hort del Correu estate in Manacor during Sant Joan’s Day is a fascinating example of popular healing practices and traditional medicine in Mallorca.

This ancient custom is performed on 24 June, St. John’s Day, and is based on the belief that passing through the vimer has healing properties, especially for people suffering from hernias. Tradition dictates that those suffering from hernias should pass through the vimer three times, following a series of specific rituals and prayers.

The ritual begins early on the morning of Saint John’s Day. People seeking healing, often accompanied by family or friends, come to the l’Hort del Correu estate. There, they find the vimer, usually placed in a specific, sacred spot on the estate.

The healing process involves rituals that may vary slightly according to local or family tradition. Typically, however, participants pass three times through the vimer, often in the direction of the sun. While performing this act, specific prayers may be recited invoking the protection and healing of St. John.

June Kitchen

This month brings with it a variety of typical dishes and gastronomic events that are a real treat for lovers of good food.


A quintessential summer dish in Mallorca. Tumbet combines layers of potatoes, aubergines and peppers, all bathed in a rich tomato sauce and often accompanied by meat or fish.

Coca de trempó

Coca de trempó is a flat dough covered with trempó, a mixture of peppers, onions and tomatoes seasoned with olive oil and salt. Perfect for a light lunch or snack.

Stuffed aubergines

Stuffed aubergines are a classic dish in the gastronomy of many Mediterranean regions, including Mallorca. This delicious and versatile dish combines the softness and unique flavour of the aubergine with a variety of fillings, offering a culinary experience that delights the most demanding palates.

To make the dish, the aubergines are cut in half and part of their flesh is extracted to create a “pot” which is then stuffed. The extracted pulp is usually cooked and mixed with other ingredients to form the filling. Fillings can vary widely, but commonly include a combination of minced meat (pork, beef or a mixture of both), vegetables (such as peppers, onions and tomatoes), aromatic herbs and spices. In some vegetarian or vegan versions, the meat is replaced by other ingredients such as cheese, mushrooms, legumes or grains.

In Mallorca, stuffed aubergines are often given a local touch with the addition of sobrasada, a typical Mallorcan sausage, or cooked with a light touch of local white wine. It is also common to find versions that include sultanas and pine nuts, adding a subtle sweetness and texture to this dish.

This dish is commonly enjoyed as a main course, accompanied by a fresh salad or bread. It is perfect for a family meal or as part of a menu at festivities and gatherings.

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